Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Things They Carried- Chp 1

   In AP Literature, we are a reading a novel called, The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien. To be completely honest, I'm not to excited about it. It's a book about war, the Vietnam War to be exact. I’m not really into war, death, killing, and all the other components that are associated with war. So, I'm not exactly thrilled about this. Clary said that before reading this novel, she wasn't into war either. This book must be pretty good if it changed someone's whole perspective on a subject like this. I’m trusting her and her judgment of this book. She seems to really enjoy it, so it must not be too bad. But then again, she really loves Macbeth, and I don’t like it very much. Maybe I shouldn’t go by her or anyone else’s  judgment, and just follow my own. That’s what I am going to continue to do, for the rest of the reading: follow my own judgment.
   Anyway, when I began to read the first chapter, it brought back the feeling when we first were assigned to read this book; the feeling of boredom and disgust. I didn’t expect the first page to start off talking about something else other than war. This changed my feelings a bit. But by page four I was hooked! All the things they had to carry for survival blew my mind! I never knew that soldiers had to basically carry their homes with them. Not just physical, but emotional baggage too. All their feelings and dreams, added extra weight on to the 100 plus pounds they were already carrying. When I finished reading chapter one, I had to close the book and find something to get my mind off of it. About twenty minutes later, I found myself on You Tube, looking for footage on the Vietnam War. I guess the whole point of this blog, is to thank Clary for making us read this book. I’m really enjoying it so far!!
<3 LBD

1 comment:

  1. I love this LaKeya. An honest assessment about your reading experience. I too had preconceptions about a "war book" that I had to let go. The writing, the stories are just so good.
